Rebornia Hair Transplant Clinic
Rebornia Hair Transplant Center Online

Frequently Asked Questions

What is DHI Hair Transplantation?

DHI (Direct Hair Implantation) hair transplantation is an advanced technique where hair follicles are implanted directly into the recipient area without prior incisions or channel creation. This method provides enhanced precision, reduces scalp trauma, and allows for faster recovery times.

How does DHI differ from traditional hair transplantation methods?

Unlike traditional methods, DHI does not require pre-made incisions or channels in the scalp. Instead, hair follicles are directly implanted using a DHI implanter pen, which allows for greater control over the angle, depth, and direction of each graft, resulting in a more natural appearance and quicker recovery.

What are the main advantages of DHI Hair Transplantation?

  • Precision: The DHI implanter pen ensures accurate placement of each graft, contributing to a natural-looking hairline.
  • Reduced Trauma: The technique minimizes damage to the scalp, reducing swelling and accelerating recovery.
  • Faster Healing: Without the need for prior incisions, the healing process is faster and there is a lower risk of complications.
  • Natural Results: By controlling the placement of each follicle, DHI offers a more natural hairline and overall appearance.
  • No Need for Prior Incisions: This reduces overall trauma to the scalp and promotes quicker healing.

How is the DHI Hair Transplantation procedure performed?

The procedure begins with a comprehensive consultation to assess hair loss and develop a personalized treatment plan. During the procedure:

  • Preparation: The donor and recipient areas are prepared, and local anesthesia is administered.
  • Extraction: Hair follicles are extracted from the donor area using a specialized tool, ensuring minimal damage to surrounding tissue.
  • Direct Implantation: The extracted follicles are immediately implanted into the recipient area using the DHI implanter pen.

Post-Procedure Care: Patients receive detailed instructions on how to care for the transplanted area, including washing techniques and activity restrictions.

What should I expect during the recovery period?

  • Immediate Care: Follow specific washing instructions to avoid dislodging grafts and take any prescribed medications to manage discomfort and swelling.
  • Avoid Physical Activities: Avoid strenuous activities and heavy lifting for a few days post-procedure to ensure proper healing.
  • Long-Term Care: Maintain good scalp hygiene and attend regular follow-up appointments to monitor progress and optimize results.

How does DHI compare to FUE and FUT techniques?

  • Compared to FUE: DHI allows for direct graft placement using an implanter pen, leading to more precise placement and faster recovery than traditional FUE, which requires pre-made recipient sites.
  • Compared to FUT: DHI (a form of FUE) avoids the linear scar associated with FUT, a method that involves removing a strip of scalp. DHI is less invasive and generally offers quicker recovery and less postoperative discomfort.

When can I expect to see results after a DHI Hair Transplant?

Patients can expect initial shedding of the transplanted hair, which is normal. New hair growth typically begins within three to four months, with significant improvements visible after six to twelve months.

How does Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy enhance DHI Hair Transplantation?

At Rebornia Hair Clinic, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) is used to enhance DHI results by accelerating healing, reducing inflammation, and improving graft survival. HBOT increases oxygen supply to the scalp, promoting optimal hair growth and improving overall transplant outcomes.

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