Pixel HIB-O Hair Transplantation - Rebornia Hair Transplant Clinic
Rebornia Hair Transplant Clinic
Rebornia Hair Transplant Center Online

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is graft preservation important in hair transplantation?

Graft preservation is crucial in hair transplantation because it ensures the survival and vitality of hair follicles after they are extracted from the donor area. Proper preservation prevents the grafts from drying out and losing their viability, which is essential for achieving optimal growth and successful transplantation results.

What preservation solutions are used in hair transplantation?

Preservation solutions are specialized fluids that mimic the natural environment of the body's fluids to maintain the health and viability of grafts. At Rebornia Hair Clinic, we use Histidine-Tryptophan-Ketoglutarate (HTK), a solution initially developed for organ transplantation, which has proven to be highly effective for hair graft preservation.

What makes the HTK solution effective for hair transplantation?

The HTK solution is effective for hair transplantation because it provides the essential nutrients and physiological environment that grafts need during the critical period between extraction and implantation. This helps maintain the grafts' vitality and readiness for implantation, significantly increasing the chances of successful hair growth.

How does the HIB-O machine contribute to graft preservation?

The HIB-O machine at Rebornia Hair Clinic maintains grafts in an optimal environment with controlled temperatures of 4-8 degrees Celsius and an oxygen saturation level of 98%. This environment helps sustain the energy and oxygen levels of the grafts, ensuring their long-term viability and enhancing the overall success rate of the hair transplant.

What is shock loss, and how does Rebornia Hair Clinic minimize it?

Shock loss refers to the temporary shedding of transplanted or surrounding hair after a hair transplant procedure. At Rebornia Hair Clinic, the use of the HTK solution and the HIB-O machine helps to minimize shock loss by preserving the health of the grafts and promoting a stable environment for new hair growth.

What success rates can patients expect with Rebornia Hair Clinic’s hair transplant procedures?

Patients at Rebornia Hair Clinic can expect high success rates with their hair transplant procedures due to the advanced preservation techniques we use, including the HTK solution and the HIB-O machine. These methods enhance graft survival, reduce shock loss, and support the growth of natural, healthy hair.

How can I learn more about hair transplantation at Rebornia Hair Clinic?

For more information about hair transplantation or to schedule a personal consultation, please contact Rebornia Hair Clinic. Our team is dedicated to helping you achieve the best results and restore your confidence with our advanced hair restoration solutions.

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