Rebornia Hair Transplant Clinic
Rebornia Hair Transplant Center Online

Sapphire Fue Hair Transplant

Sapphire FUE hair transplant is a modern evolution of the traditional FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) hair transplant method. The distinction lies in the tools used for the procedure.

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Istanbul has emerged as the global centre for hair transplantation due to its inexpensive services, skilled professionals, and convenient accessibility.

Why Rebornia Transplant Center

Our prestigious clinic, led by doctors, is well-known for its exclusive service. Patients gain from the seamless integration of pioneering technology, guaranteeing they receive the highest level of care possible.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber

Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber

Measurement of Dermal Depth and Density

Measurement of Dermal Depth and Density

Preserving Hair in Transplant Solution

Preserving Hair in Transplant Solution

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Turkey Hair Transplant Before and After

The before and after images of individuals who have undergone a hair transplant in Turkey showcase not only the physical transformation but also the boost in confidence and self-esteem that comes with it.

For your own amazing hair transplant before and after transformation, contact our medical specialists at Rebornia Hair Clinic.

You can visit Google Reviews to review other patient comments.

You can visit Google Reviews to review other patient comments.

Stages of A Hair Transplant Procedure


Consultation and Preparation

Hair transplant begins with a surgeon's consultation to assess graft needs and placement, discuss expectations, and prep for tests.


Donor Graft Extraction

The surgical procedure involves extracting follicular units from the donor area of the scalp and implanting them into the recipient area. Each hair follicle is taken individually using specialized micro motors while the patient is under local anesthesia.


Graft Preservation

We use a patented system called Hyperbaric Oxygen (Hib-O) to maintain hair follicles at the same oxygenic pressure as in circulation. These follicles, soaked in an organ transplantation solution, are kept in the Hib-O container at 4-8 degrees, mirroring the temperature used for transplant organs.



To prepare for follicle transfer, an ultrasound tool finds the ideal skin depth in the dermis layer. This depth is programmed into the Robopen device, which then creates precise channels for transplanting using sapphire-tipped blades instead of steel, unlike the FUE method.


Post-Op Care

After the hair transplant, proper care is crucial. This includes washing the donor and recipient areas, protecting the transplanted grafts. The surgeon schedules a follow-up the next day to monitor recovery.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is it possible for a hair transplant donor to be someone other than the recipient?

Cras dignissim magna ut diam dapibus ultricies. Suspendisse venenatis varius facilisis. Maecenas auctor lacus nec velit tempor, consectetur tempus turpis gravida. Nulla facilisi. Nulla dignissim quis purus eget sollicitudin. Cras eros neque, auctor vel orci sit amet, condimentum aliquam leo. Aenean vestibulum neque vel vehicula malesuada. Fusce vulputate nulla sit amet elit porttitor imperdiet. Ut semper vehicula nibh et vehicula. Aenean vitae sem urna. Etiam convallis sollicitudin rhoncus. Nulla vitae tellus luctus, efficitur lorem eget, convallis erat. In pellentesque ipsum vel ultrices fringilla. Sed mauris lectus, scelerisque venenatis odio sit amet, fringilla tincidunt tortor.

What is shock shedding?

Suspendisse pellentesque augue rutrum turpis hendrerit, a tincidunt metus convallis. Nunc eu nibh condimentum, elementum dui vel, pretium turpis. Fusce in arcu non magna hendrerit mollis. Morbi quis facilisis nunc, a volutpat quam. Maecenas ipsum diam, mollis vel mi ut, consequat tincidunt metus. Sed pharetra arcu ante, ac consectetur felis faucibus et. Cras sit amet felis massa. Nullam neque nulla, ultricies in auctor in, tincidunt at est. Sed diam augue, consequat non mauris sed, mattis dapibus dui. Proin tincidunt aliquam pretium. Mauris diam ante, elementum in mi vel, auctor tincidunt massa. Etiam sit amet nunc sit amet leo suscipit hendrerit a ac dui. Duis nec nunc ac lacus blandit fringilla non id ligula. Fusce nec semper ante.

Is there any risk of grafted hair loss?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla non ornare sapien. Mauris hendrerit finibus enim, eu tristique massa feugiat non. Sed tincidunt sem ac velit consectetur, eu egestas erat porta. Nam tincidunt maximus mi at accumsan. Nullam a elit in nisl sollicitudin congue. Fusce a est ut lacus gravida mattis. Morbi vitae arcu tincidunt, feugiat nunc ullamcorper, feugiat leo. Etiam sem justo, ultrices sed auctor eu, rhoncus vel nulla.

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